Developing the connection to our intuition is the foundation of self-care, and working with Astrology & Tarot is where it begins.


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There’s a deeper knowing that is telling you that you have the capacity to enjoy life and have a greater degree of fulfillment, love, connection, and joy than what you are currently experiencing.


You know deep down that you are ready for a change and are tired of living in a way that doesn’t deeply fulfill you and completely honor and align with who you truly are.



You’ve found yourself here because a part of you knows you are ready to transform the underlying narrative or voice that says you aren’t worthy of having the life you truly desire.

Working with Astrology & Tarot connects us to where we come from, shows us who we are, and guides us to where we are going.


Tap into your inner knowing and deepest self to get the answers that are best for you. Once you establish that connection with your intuition you will always have the guidance you need. And the more you experience the beauty, power and freedom of a life guided by your intuition, the more faith you have in it.


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We can’t get in touch with our intuition through conscious effort or will power.


Astrology & Tarot are vehicles that help us shift from the rational ‘thinking’ left side of our brain to the more intuitive right side - the part of us that responds to images, stories, music and poetry.  It's this connection that we are nurturing so that that voice of our intuition can rise above the chatter of our thoughts.



Discovering Astrology & Tarot is like learning a new language.


Learning a language is like building a relationship. It involves listening and sharing - Spending the time to nurture it so it can grow.



We are all connected by a shared mythology.


  Myths are the Timeless stories passed on through generations that reveal Eternal truths about life and about ourselves.  Myths that were created a long time ago - from looking up at the stars with a sense of wonder.  We only need to get back in touch with that sense of wonder - and the beauty and power that come with it.



It’s like having an Astrologer or Tarot reader on call 24/7, helping you answer life’s toughest questions about relationships, career, and life direction.


Join me as I take you behind the scenes of Astrology & Tarot readings.  I’ll show you What is really happening, Why it works, and How. Working with Tarot and Astrology has nothing to do with whether you think you have any ‘psychic’ ability.

I’ll show you how the stars and the cards are just the vehicles for you to get in touch with your intuition - so that you can be your own guide.

